How we helped BePretty to increase their Active Customer rate by 56% with a complete redesign of both apps and web portal
How we helped BePretty to increase their Active Customer rate by 56% with a complete redesign of both apps and web portalBePretty
January 1, 2019

How we helped BePretty to increase their Active Customer rate by 56% with a complete redesign of both apps and web portal

Since BePretty launched their apps they hadn’t seen the love or attention they deserve in terms of product design and customer experience. The company was growing so BePretty approached us to help to rethink some aspects of their apps and redesign both their iOS and Android apps.


UX and UI


Android and iOs Apps


Project Overview

BePretty, on one hand, enables women to reach, discover and book beauty appointments and, on the other Gand, allows professionals to scale their businesses by promoting and managing them online. With more and more vines and user joining the platform, BePretty’s apps were in need of a rethink and redesign. So, our role was to create a a united customer experience that would help users easily search, discover and book beauty appointments.

Our approach to this project was to find the best solution for each situation, whether it be finding and making an appointment, discovering a new venue or new services, rescheduling a booking, paying for a service and much more. This approach helped us meet the needs and wants of the users and the business. The approach employs basic research methods, such as analysis and testing, user experience, user interface and prototyping as well.



Due to BePretty’s rapid growth, there was plenty of data available to us. So we used this information to define accurately their base in terms of the way these  users behaved and to select several possible use cases for the app.

User Scenarios

During research for the process, we were thinking about the different target groups. For our example the persona group should be women in the age range of 20-30, single, with 0-1 child, employed and comfortable with using a mobile device for shopping. With the most common scenarios in place, we were able to define photo-personas, using all the information available.

user scenario

User experience

With planning and understanding of the length of the problems we wanted to solve, we were able to move forward into creating wireframes and user flows for the app. We made the decision to go with low-fidelity because that allows us to focus more on the functionality and structure of the app.

Design system

In the Bepretty case the design system was about an ecosystem where it could easily enable us to create and manage better iterations, new features and new products along the road with many different elements or organisms.
Usually when working in software development and design, speed demands that  we quickly deliver solutions before we think they are completely ready to ship. So with this project our goal wasn´t to create the most beautiful system, but instead to create the most useful system that would meet business and customer needs and give us more flexibility to iterate quickly.

Desing system

All start with discover

Redesigning the search allowed us to create a simpler and easier way for users to search and gather suggestions for relevant services and Venus. Based on their preferences we also created a feature that allows users to save their favorite venues with only one tap our to book from past services. Based on data, users were referring to booking history to make new bookings, which, at a glance, does not seem to make too much sense, but after consideration, it makes total sense because people usually goes to the same hairdresser every time they need a cut.

Beretty app

Making the complex simple

The booking or checkout process is a very sensitive area of every business and here this was no different. Making the user feel and creating an easy to use booking process was a must. So the solution was to simplify the process with only two steps. After the user selects a service (step 1), they are able to select a dat and time-slot from a list with all the availabilities for that service and choose the professional that will do the service (step 2), select the payment option of a credit card or paying at the venue before the service, and the service is booked.

Project Results

BePretty, leading the Colombian and Chilean markets, is developing a tremendous change in the way beauty is consumed in all of South America. The results have exceeded expectations since the launch of the redesign of BePretty on iOs an Android:

  • The number of active customers has increased by 56%
  • The median active days per customer has increased by 50%
  • The new customer retention rate has increased by 31%


See what our clients say about our work.

“Best Development Agency”

I am really impressed by the quality of services I received from Endlessloop. They were right on schedule and delivered items well before time. Thanks to them, we were able to achieve our goal on time, and we look forward to continue working with them in the future.

Alvaro Noain
CEO of BePretty

“One of the best agencies out there”

I am really impressed by the quality of services I received from Endlessloop. They were right on schedule and delivered items well before time. Thanks to them, we were able to achieve our goal on time, and we look forward to continue working with them in the future.

David Molina
CEO of Satta

“True Experts in Web Development”

I am really impressed by the quality of services I received from Endlessloop. They were right on schedule and delivered items well before time. Thanks to them, we were able to achieve our goal on time, and we look forward to continue working with them in the future.

Nelson Marteleira
CEO of Pilot